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Английский язык • Книги на иностранных языках

In the "Английский язык" category, we have already collected the newest and most interesting books that can be purchased online in the online store, so that You do not waste your time searching for interesting things among thousands of small publications.


The Workbook provides lesson-by-lesson written practice of structural forms, core vocabulary, and reading and writing skills to reinforce the Pupil`s Book content. Engaging, contextualised activities make language practice meaningful and purposeful,...

2017, Macmillan


Playway to English Second edition is a new version of the popular four-level course for teaching English to young children. Pupils acquire English through play, music and Total Physical Response, providing them with a fun and dynamic language learning...

2017, Cambridge University Press


An update of the well-loved course for young learners - now fully in line with the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners tests.The fun course for seriously good results! This seven-level course delights children and inspires teachers with its...

2017, Cambridge


Вдохновение капризно и переменчиво. Даже профессионалам порой не по силам удержать это непредсказуемое состояние. Один из приемов в погоне за свежими идеями - это посмотреть, что делают другие. В девятое издание ежегодника "Лучший дизайн...

2017, РИП-холдинг. Джейсон Годфри, твердая обложка


Exclusive Hufflepuff House Edition to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the first publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher`s Stone - a highly collectable must-have for all Harry Potter fans!Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw …...

2017, Bloomsbury


Exclusive Ravenclaw House Edition to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the first publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher`s Stone - a highly collectable must-have for all Harry Potter fans!Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw … Twenty...

2017, Bloomsbury


Authentic examination papers for learners preparing for the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners from 2018. This collection of examination papers for Cambridge English: Movers (YLE Movers) provides ideal exam practice. It contains three...

2017, Cambridge University Press


Enjoyable and engaging practice for the revised 2018 Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE).Now in 6 levels with two books per test. Each book contains eight fully-illustrated stories followed by fun activities, songs and exam-style questions that...

2017, Cambridge University Press


Enjoyable and engaging practice for the revised 2018 Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE). Storyfun Level 1 Student`s Book provides full-colour preparation material for Cambridge English: Starters. It contains eight fully-illustrated stories with...

2017, Cambridge University Press, мягкая обложка


Enjoyable and engaging practice for the revised 2018 Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE). Storyfun Level 2 Student`s Book provides full-colour preparation material for Cambridge English: Starters. It contains eight fully-illustrated stories with...

2017, Cambridge University Press, мягкая обложка


Storyfun Level 3 Student`s Book provides full-colour preparation material for Cambridge English: Movers. It contains eight fully-illustrated stories with accompanying activities for students to enjoy. These include songs and exam-style questions that...

2017, Cambridge University Press, мягкая обложка


Enjoyable and engaging practice for the revised 2018 Cambridge English: Young Learners (YLE). Storyfun Level 6 Student`s Book provides full-colour preparation material for Cambridge English: Flyers. It contains eight fully-illustrated stories with...

2017, Cambridge University Press, твердая обложка


Authentic examination papers for learners preparing for the revised Cambridge English: Young Learners from 2018. This collection of examination papers for Cambridge English: Flyers (YLE Flyers) provides ideal exam practice. It contains three...

2017, Cambridge University Press


В некотором смысле символы имеют преимущество над речью, ведь их понимают люди во всем мире. Простейшие картинки могут заменить слова "мужской", "женский", "Отель", "такси", "кемпинг". В наш век...

2017, РИП-холдинг


Playway to English Second edition is a new version of the popular four-level course for teaching English to young children. Pupils acquire English through play, music and Total Physical Response, providing them with a fun and dynamic language learning...

2017, Cambridge University Press


Playway to English Second edition is a new version of the popular four-level course for teaching English to young children. Pupils acquire English through play, music and Total Physical Response, providing them with a fun and dynamic language learning...

2017, Cambridge University Press


Super Safari British English edition is a three-level pre-primary course that welcomes very young children to English through stories, songs and plenty of playtime while supporting their cognitive, motor-sensory and social development. Super Safari...

2017, Cambridge University Press


An exciting, seven-level course that enhances young learners` thinking skills, sharpening their memory while improving their language skills. The Super Grammar Book Level 3 boosts children`s language skills with illustrated presentations of all the...

2017, Cambridge University Press


An exciting, seven-level course that enhances young learners` thinking skills, sharpening their memory while improving their language skills. The Super Grammar Book Level 4 boosts children`s language skills with illustrated presentations of all the...

2017, Cambridge University Press, твердая обложка


Are you ready to become one of the Super Minds?The Super Grammar Practice Book Level 2 boosts children`s language skills with illustrated presentations of all the grammar in the Super Minds Student`s Books followed by extra practice activities. The...

2017, Cambridge University Press


В книге представлены «Приключения Шерлока Холмса» английского писателя Артура Конан Дойла. Все произведения даны на языке оригинала.Знакомство с оригиналами творений классиков зарубежной литературы, науки, искусства поможет сегодняшним студентам...

2017, Юрайт. Артур Дойл


Super Safari British English edition is a three-level pre-primary course that welcomes very young children to English through stories, songs and plenty of playtime while supporting their cognitive, motor-sensory and social development.Super Safari...

2017, Cambridge


- alle Lektionen mit klarem Aufbau für hohe Transparenz. - attraktive Einstiegsseiten zur Aktivierung des Vorwissens. - motivierende Lesetexte (auch als Hörtexte auf den Audio-CDs zum Kursbuch). - interessante...

2017, Max Hueber Verlag, твердая обложка


Сюжет социально-критического романа Уилки Коллинза "Муж и жена" основан на правовом парадоксе, который приводит к непредсказуемым поворотам человеческих судеб. Спустя три месяца после освобождения из тюрьмы мистер Ванборо женится, но...

2017, Т8


В книге представлен роман американского писателя Ф. С. Фицджеральда «Прекрасные и проклятые». Произведение дано на языке оригинала.Знакомство с оригиналами творений классиков зарубежной литературы, науки, искусства поможет сегодняшним студентам...

2017, Юрайт. Френсис Скотт Фицджеральд

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